Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 29 – Pepper Pot Day

Pepper Pot Soup was first made on December 29, 1777.

The legend goes:

“During the Revolutionary war, the Continental army was camped at Valley Forge. The winter was cold and harsh. Conditions were deplorable. Food was often scarce. George Washington asked his army's chef to prepare a meal for the army, that would both warm them, and boost their moral. The chef found scraps of tripe, small bits of meat and some peppercorn. He mixed this in with some other ingredients, and created Pepper Pot soup, also known as "Philadelphia Pepper Pot soup”. The hot, and somewhat spicy soup, was well received by the troops. It was called "the soup that won the war”.” – (

I am travelling between people’s houses like a crazy person these few weeks. I can’t say during this holiday season because for me this whole year is a holiday season! I will say that when you have LOTS of other people celebrating a different holiday or holidays in general it is much easier to celebrate them. My “not as recognized holidays” are still being celebrated by ME but the celebrations have gotten a little smaller during my travels, therefore I was unable to make/eat Pepper Pot Soup. In honor of the continental army, I did stand outside in the cold and I was EXTREMELY hungry. I think that my education on this topic is also a good way to celebrate. I didn’t even know that there was a Pepper Pot Soup…and now I do.

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