Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 25 – No A’phabet Day

Today is the day of no “L”. Not quite sure if that means we are celebrating “l” or out-casting it. Since I have a few L’s in my name I will take it as honoring….in an absence makes the heart grow fonder kinda way.

Today we are ce_ebrating Christmas in Detroit, MI with my in-_aws. We arrived after a 5 hour drive from Chicago at 3am this morning. We sang Christmas caro_s most of the way. I was surprised that my beautifu_ singing wasn’t serenading Jared to s_eep, but he managed to fight through to get us safe_y here.

Jared’s o_dest brother is named _uke. It was quite fascinating as Jared was ca__ing him Uke most of the day and he never seemed to notice.

In writing this I am noticing “_” is not used near_y as much as I wou_d have thought. However, it is used is come very important words such as” _ove, smi_e, and Miche__e. It is a_so one of the _etters they give you in the fina_ round of Whee_ Of Fortune! RST_NE

I was trying to figure out what made this day No A’phabet Day, at first I started counting the _etters in the a’phabet to see if “_” was the 25th _etter…then I remembered that there are on_y 26 so there was no way “_” cou_d be the 25th. It remains a mystery…

Happy A’phabet Day!

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