Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 5 – National Weatherperson’s Day

Today, I flew across the country from Seattle to Michigan, and there was a lot of different weather - Seattle low 50's when I left, Minnesota - runways covered with snow, Michigan in the 20's, but sunny. I think if I were a weatherperson I would love to play in front of the green screen – I think that it actually would be quite hard to point to what I was meaning to point to at the right time. I am sure that is a skill that takes hours of practice in school.

A day to celebrate weather people, at first I was wondering why there wouldn’t be a news anchor day or sportscaster’s day…here was my conclusion. Those people are all reporting on what is happening, weather people are predicting what is going to happen and they know that they are going to be wrong sometimes. We all joke that whatever the weather guy says…it’s going to do the opposite, so I guess they do need a job to be appreciated. I am noticing a trend these past couple days.

This day is actually to honor the memory of Dr. John Jefferies who was born on this day in 1744. He was basically the first American weather observer and also was the star witness in the Boston Massacre. Another interesting fact about Dr. Jeffries is that he accompanied Jean-Pierre Blanchard in 1785 on a balloon flight across the English Channel.

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