Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 12 – Look Up At The Sky Day

This is actually one of my favorite things to do. There are a few things that I can sit and watch for a long time…water, fire, the sky, and Denzel Washington.

I love going out on a nice day or a clear night; laying on a blanket staring towards the heavens! So peaceful! I still do the thing where you find animals and wild creatures in the clouds.

Today the sky in Michigan was overcast…the nice thing about Michigan overcast is that on some overcast days it is still very bright and light, unlike those overcast days that are dark and dreary. So today was pretty light out, but there weren’t any clouds to try and decipher - what animal or person they most looked like.

Then I was thinking, where does the sky actually start…the sky is just “up there”, but when does up there become here. When I fly I think I am in the sky, but at what point in the ascent am I in the sky? When I jump up am I in the sky?

I also LOVE taking pictures of the sky! Some of my favorites were taken while I was out on the ocean and another one in Tanzania…AWESOME! They aren’t on my computer…only in print so these pictures will have to do.

Take time out of your busy day to look up at the sky today!

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