Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sept 25 – National Comic Book Day

I have never been a comic book person. Sure, I read my favorites in the Sunday paper – the classics mostly like Peanuts, Garfield, and lately I enjoy Get Fuzzy. I never have been into the true comics though like Wolverine, Wonder Woman, Superman, Spiderman, etc.

Jared and I rode bikes today across the dikes through the beautiful fields of the Netherlands. I asked Jared what his comic book would be if he had one and almost immediately he said “Captain Danger and The Mischievous Men”, when asked what Captain Danger would do he had no idea. I was having the opposite problem, I could think of all sorts of things that my comic personality could do: save all the animals, poach the poachers, make people instantly stop sweating the small stuff on command, and more important things like make sure everyone always had a Pepsi and a cupcake when they needed one…the possibilities are endless really. All of the names we came up with were so limiting, I could not think of a name for my comic to save my lift, we both thought about it all day and came up with nothing.  Disappointing, I know.  I did, however, come up with a great comic superhero pose if I do say so myself.

I wanted to read some comics today so we stopped by the mall in Rotterdam to look at some in the book store. Seeing that I had no idea what they were saying because they were written in Dutch, I had to rely solely on the pictures where I realized Garfield is not a nice guy, in fact he is brutal. I saw him kill a spider, steal Odie’s food, destroy Odie’s toy, and make Jon’s hair fall out. It actually ended up being quite disturbing and making me question why I had posters of him up in my room when I was little.

So, today try to think up a comic book name for yourself and what you would do…and if you can’t think of that just strike a pose!

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