Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6 – National Trails Day

Today Duke, Jared, and I went for a walk around our house on a small trail. It was great. We have a lot of trails around us, there is one that goes from my mom’s house to the city Zoo, and there is another one that goes I am not sure where…and they recently made another trail that connects the two. I realize you have no idea what I am talking about and that was like the WORST description ever, but oh well, it’s the best I could do.

On nice paved trails I like rollerblading or riding my bike, but I also enjoy walking down trails through the woods or in the mountains! Jared and I recently decided that we are going on a trip to New Zealand and I am very excited to check out some of the trails there…if you have any suggestions of what to do while we are there please let me know!

Go enjoy the trails to day!

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