I do not believe I have ever actually made a Gingerbread House before. I never really understood the point of them…I mean no one actually eats them do they? Maybe people do…I certainly never would. And why is it called Ginger-“Bread”…I see nothing “bready” about this at all. It is more like cardboard…cracker, or graham cracker like…I am not so sure about this whole BREAD thing. I am aware that people eat gingerbread, but really the houses…I don’t see people pulling them apart after sitting out for a week and eating them…if you do…umm…great, I’m sure a lot of people do! (No I’m not.)
Apparently the gingerbread house started to become popular with the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale.
Overall, it was fun to make a Gingerbread House…to have the experience, but not something I would need to do again.
(This was before I realized that the right side of the roof was slowly falling off...thanks to the "frosting" that looked more like caulk I was able to fix it!)
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