April 26 - Hug An Australian Day
April 27 - National Mantanzas Mule Day
April 28 - National Kiss Your Mate Day
April 29 - Dance Day
April 30 - Honesty Day
May 1 - Save The Rhinos Day
May 2 - Fire Day
May 3 - National Lumpy Rug Day
May 4 - Candied Orange Peel Day
May 5 - National Hoagie Day
May 6 - Beverage Day
May 7 - International Tuba Day
May 8 - No Socks Day
May 9 - Lost Sock Memorial
Ok I DEFINITELY should have internet by this time! Sorry - but I am sure you understand! Our move has been going great except that we started with only 5 pieces of furniture and lost our biggest one - our couch to MICE...GROSS. So we really have nothing in our house and it needs a lot of stuff done to it...so I will be busy, but I WILL squeeze in time to celebrate in some way each day...You should too!